• Hach

    Experts in Water analysis for both Public and Private

    We Reduced the backlog of one of their under performing manufacturing sites by 80% bring them to a healthy level and building rust with the customer

  • Johnson and Johnson

    Experts in healthcare from Pharma to medical Device

    We helped them increase their operational output of a small Manufacturing site which was largely used for bespoke once off items

  • Abbott

    Experts in diagnostics both over the counter and Lab based

    We worked with a small lab to increase their output and ensure that results were processed on time and in full


Trusted by Business Owners around Europe

We increased the operational output for leaders in the manufacturing industry

About 2X Project

2X Project was started in 2024 by operations leaders.

We created the 2x Project framework which is centered around People, Equipment and Materials.

We have worked with a wide variety of manufacturing sites across Europe. We specialize working with small sites to enact big change.

On Average we have doubled the manufacturing line output in 90 days for our clients & they take those learning and apply it to the rest of the site.

Reach out to discuss how we can help you

Ready to start doubling your manufacturing output & Never fall behind again

  • The 2X Projects framework

    We will teach you what the 2x Project framework is and how to apply it across your business. This will give you a new way of looking at operational problems

  • Hungry for Growth

    The 2X Team and clients are proud but never satisfied. Once they reach a goal they are already looking ahead to what’s next. Their sights are always set on the next level.

  • Masters of Action

    Our team and Clients know that not making a decision is a decision. They take immediate action on their goals. We all know that an imperfect plan executed today is better than a perfect plan executed when it's ready (Which may never happen).